Bigfork Valley magazine wins award
Bigfork Valley magazine wins award
It was designed to be something different: a magazine for the members of a hospital district that talked about interesting activities and healthy food ideas instead of marketing services of the hospital.
When Bigfork Valley conducted a Community Health Needs Assessment, it found that, overwhelmingly, people were concerned about obesity in the community and the health issues that followed.
Then it asked why. In a recreational area full of fitness opportunities, why was obesity an issue?
The hospital team discovered that some of the most important reasons that people didn’t focus on eating healthy foods or getting enough exercise were that they didn’t have time, they didn’t think it was important or their family didn’t like to eat “healthy” foods.
These were real constraints, yet people will make time for activities that are important to them. So the team decided to find out what those activities were for local residents, and see if it couldn’t inspire more to join in. As of August, ten issues have been published. Articles have ranged from fat biking to golf course walking, antioxidants to road trip food, and the value of laughter to swimmer’s itch.
This year, the Minnesota Hospital Association awarded Bigfork Valley the small hospital Community Benefit award for its approach to a community health need. “We’re very pleased to be recognized for this initiative,” said Aaron Saude, CEO. “We think it’s a unique and effective way to achieve our goal of addressing a need expressed by our community.”
A description of this and more 2017 MHA awards can be found at: http://www.mnhospitals.org/about/mha-awards .
The magazine is issued bimonthly and can be found at BigforkValley.org under “About Us.” Co-editors of the magazine are Megan Brekke, RD, LD, dietitian and Sally Sedgwick, director of marketing for the hospital. Amanda Perendy, advertising coordinator, is the composer. Ed Anderson, M.D. is medical advisor and Scott Stein is a contributing writer.